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New Seneca Village
Questions + Answers



We hope that this site has given you a real taste of the

New Seneca Village purpose, experience, and offerings.


If not and you still have questions this page will support you

in knowing what you need to know. 


If you still have questions, you can reach out to

Image by Aleksandr Buynitskiy

New Seneca Village Testimonials

This was different than any other retreat space that I had been to.


The fact that it was cultivated intentionally and dedicated to WOC, nonbinary people of color and intergenerational exchange - all amongst people whose lives are working for racial justice and liberation - is a powerful combination.


I was surprised at what is possible when we create flexible and open containers for play and rest. I was surprised that we were encouraged not to center talking about work! What a relief.


I was delighted at the moments of laughter and the ways that folks were drawn into rites of passage and letting go in many ways.


Anisha Desai, AORTA, transformative coach + strategist, Bay Area -CA

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